Orquesta Tipica Francisco Canaro


“Callecita De Mi Novia”
Orquesta Tipica Francisco Canaro
1938 (Odeon OT 173 mx 9717)
Callecita De Mi Novia – Orquesta Tipica Francisco Canaro

Orquesta Tipica Francisco Canaro
1938 (Odeon OT 173 mx 9718)
Olividame – Orquesta Tipica Francisco Canaro

These tango selections, recorded in Buenos Aires, come courtesy of the collection of Christian From Dallas who has been kind enough to loan me a few boxes of records for me to digitize.  These boxes contain some really impressive vintage records from a variety of genres and I will be including them in future updates – while, of course, continuing to feature records from my own collection.

Francisco Canaro was an internationally famous Uruguayan violinist and bandleader whose career spanned many decades.   He was also highly prolific in the recording studio:  an online discography of his work includes over 3,700 works.

This entry was posted in 1930s, 1930s Popular Music, Electrical Recordings, Ethnic Recordings, Other Foreign Recordings, Tango. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Orquesta Tipica Francisco Canaro

  1. Jen says:

    Did you mean “Olvidame?”

    My Spanish isn’t very strong, the the verb, olvidar, means “to forget.”

  2. dismuke says:

    Jen – Yes, that is what is should have said – and now does. Thanks for pointing it out. Typing foreign words one does not understand is never fun – so easy to make a misspelling and if one makes a typo the spell check is of no use.

  3. YHDS says:

    Thank-you Christian of Dallas (and Dismuke)!! More tango please?!?

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