Orlando And His Orchestra – 1937

HMV BD-5236


“Love Is Good For Anything That Ails You”
Orlando And His Orchestra
Phyllis Robbins, vocal
1937 (HMV BD 5236 mx OEA 5277)
Orlando And His Orchestra – Love Is Good For Anything That Ails You]

“A Sailboat In The Moonlight”
Orlando And His Orchestra
1937 (HMV BD 5236 mx OEA 5275)
Orlando And His Orchestra – A Sailboat In The Moonlight]

Here are a couple of selections by Joe Orlando’s orchestra which, at the time, had a long-term residency at the Hotel Gleneagles in Perthshire, Scotland.

“Love Is Good For Anything That Ails You” was probably the band’s most well-known recording.   The recording enjoyed a nice revival when it was featured in the 1981 film Pennies From Heaven.

This entry was posted in 1930s, 1930s Popular Music, British Recordings, Electrical Recordings. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Orlando And His Orchestra – 1937

  1. Tim Gartner says:

    Do you have more songs by Orlando besides Love Is Good For Anything That Ails You? And the other song you posted above? Also, any more biographical data about the man and his band.

    Plus, I can’t seem to sign on to your site. I used to be on it, but forgot password and I think I need to start over.

    Tim Gartner, Oakland, CA

    • admin says:

      Hi Tim –

      Sorry it has been months since you put up your comment and I am only now seeing it for the first time. I ended up discontinuing this blog as I had too many other time demands. I do have some other recordings by Joe Orlando’s band in Radio Dismuke – but that is a band I don’t have all that many recordings by. And I haven’t been able to find out much in the way of biographical information about him. What site are you having difficulty logging into? Is it the old message board? If so, that is also something that I discontinued some years back. In that case, it was just the sheer volume of spam that ended up getting to me. Not just the spam – but there were literally hundreds of new user sign ups per day by would-be spammers. There were so many that I had no way of determining the small percentage that were sign ups for actual users. And it was time consuming deleting all of the spam registrations. And, by that time, message boards participation, not just on my board but all boards, was starting to decline as people migrated to Facebook. So I deactivated all new sign ups. I have kept the board online as a read-only archive as there were a lot of interesting threads and people shared some valuable information on it. That can be found at http://radiodismuke.com/forum/ If you were thinking about some other site that required a login I am not sure what it would be – but feel free to contact me at the email address listed at http://www.RadioDismuke.com

      I happened to be logged on to this blog today to do some maintenance on it. Even though it is no longer updated it still gets lots of visitors. But the plugin I used for the audio player on the oldest postings in the blog stopped being supported and modern browsers no longer supported it. So I have updated those older postings so that the audio links should once again work.

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